Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oak Island Theories Homepage

Finding your way here means you're looking for information on Oak Island.

This is where the tale of a 1795 uninhabited Oak Island has not being proven to be a lie. The Pole Tax returns of 1791 and 1794 clearly show people were living on Oak Island when the treasure allegedly began this is when the oak island tourism society/oakislandtreasure.co.uk started there money scam?

There can be no doubt that someone found something, which in turned launch a treasure hunt. Who, what, where, and when are wide open to debate; however, analysis of all written accounts suggest a Daniel McGinnis was initially involved, with the event occurring prior to the Poll Tax of 1791, but with strong leanings towards March of 1788. this all speculation though

This information has big consequences for the traditional tale of discovery. It removes Anthony Vaughan Jr. from firsthand observational credibility at 5 years of age in March 1788, and it removes John Smith. The location being discovered in 1788 minimizes the significance of Smith purchasing the lot in 1795. but nobody knows for sure?

Original conditions of the site are still under review and debate. Details of the Vaughan version may hold merit but now is in the proper context of second hand information. With that said, of all the people in the area, Anthony Vaughan Jr. would be a prime candidate to have acquired information from those originally involved. but nobody is alive to tell though?
While post discovery history is important, my primary focus is discovering who originally worked the island?
This really is a historical investigation which covers information from NUMEROUS sources, in fact, too many to mention for a single webpage but any more my teeth will get bent.
Briefly going back through time, island lots were first drawn by Shoreham settlers in 1765. Before this, the island was granted in 1753 to New York fishing agents, one John Gifford and Richard Smith. Prior to this, we have the Deny diary from the 1670s which tells of logging operations on various islands, including an Indian legend that fire shoots from below one island of the bay. Before this, brief records of French exploration and Dutch exploration with claims to the area. Finally, we get to the first European indication of activity (which I can find) between the years of 1508 to 1588, through the Azorean family of Pineheiro de Barcelos of course I am getting carried away but I will try to continue with a straight face.
In 1508, Diogo Pinheiro de Barcelos from the Azore island of Terceira inherited his father's right to discover and settle land in Portuguese controlled North America.
The first notarized document by Diogo is dated 1531, and a second court document by Manoel de Barcelos Machado is dated 1568. A third document is a 1560 map by the Portuguese court cartographer Bartolomeu Velho which specifically identifies the island and bay by name in the previous mentioned court documents. The bay, as shown on the map, is at 44.5 degrees north latitude.

What were the Pinheiro de Barcelos and Machado families doing from 1508 to well past 1568? I will keep you in suspence because this all crap!

Read all about it on the the link. There is no better place to come and share in investigating this mystery. Oak Island, and Oak Island ALL the time, where there is nothing to gain by maintaining a 1795 tale as I am around because I am full of crap my name speaks for it's self Sasha K. Iman N4n224CCW. www.oakislandtheories.com/.

Discussion Forum to the good stuff about Oak Island.

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About Me

Emotional mental cases like FRAUD PAUL AKA, N4n Sasha K. Iman ect.& Danny Hennigar,Joanna Atherton was stocking a Mr. Keith Ranville between December 2005/08. either PAUL/Iman/n4n ect. claims he met him along with 1/2 of Nova Scotia, he stocked him with emails, tried to furnished him with outlandish crap. He stalked him through public forums it was a pervertion for him. I take extreme offence to PAUL/iman ect. he attempted to portrait fraudently himself & speculations as fact in an attempt to get people’s attention so queerly. he intentionally misleaded the people before iman/PAUL & nuts got keith deleted from NBC Forum and many other sites. While Sasha/PAUL has been pandering for your attention since August of 2006, he was quickly jealous of Oak Island documents of support,articles about Keith,the reluctance of Sasha/PAUL & idiots in my opinion Sasha K. Iman/PAUL is delusional fraudently using multi assumed names Paul Wroclawski is his freak name. I do not wish to see anyone waste their time because of PAUL/Iman' the devious arse hole "Paul" Sasha K. Iman and his fellow crackpots! The life of paul is based on a big Lie Like I said his Bullsh!t fraud names speaks for himself